To make the assessment as accurate as possible:
Answer all the questions quickly and without
thinking about "what should I do? ", "what have I been told to do?" or "what is the right/wrong
way ?" . There is no correct answer. Give the answer that
feels most natural to you personally...what you would do on a regular
day in your life.
If your mind starts analyzing the options and you think "it depends on what my day is like at the moment..."
then choose your default or instinctive choice
of what would be most natural for you.
The Assessment
12 questions - about 8 - 10 minutes to complete.
All questions must be answered to get an accurate assessment. Choose the last option for any question if you wish to skip it.
1. When your phone rings:
Your first thought is a happy one: "Who is calling me?"
Your first thought is simply to answer it quickly before the call goes to voice mail.
Your first thought is "Why is someone calling me?"
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
2. When walking down a street, what do you naturally look at?:
Other people walking down the street. You instinctively look for someone you might know.
The pattern of the flow of people, stop lights, signs, and landmarks. You don't want to be out of synch with the flow or make a mistake in where you are going.
You look for your destination while are thinking of what you will do when you get there or the next thing you will do after you get there.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
3. When at home:
You like people to drop by to visit you, even if they don't let you know ahead of time.
You like people to phone ahead and set a time for the visit. Before the phone call is done, you want to know what the plan is for the visit - what you plan to do together and how, exactly.
You like people to come over to visit you only when there is a clear purpose for the visit in mind. For example, you will go for a run together or watch a movie or discuss a problem.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
4. When you arrive at the doctor or dentist's office:
You first instinctively look around the waiting room to see if you know anyone.
You first clarify with the receptionist that you have all the right paperwork done and any steps that need to be done on this visit.
Your first instinct is to ask how long the wait will be. If the wait is more than 10 minutes, you think about rescheduling. If you wait, you think about what you can accomplish on your smartphone/tablet while you are waiting.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
5. When doing your grocery
shopping in your regular store:
You enjoy wandering through the store, being with other people, and chatting with a person you bring along with you. You don't like shopping alone.
You follow a pattern of going up and down most or all the aisles until you are finished the whole store. You want to be sure you didn't miss anything.
You go directly to the spots in the store where the items you need are located and look for the shortest checkout lineup when you are ready to pay. You only buy exactly those things you need so you can get out of the store quickly.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
6. A friend wants to do something this evening with you:
Your first instinct is to simply agree because you enjoy spending time with them. It doesn't matter too much what you do...just that you will be together with them.
You first ask when they would like to spend time together, for how long, and who else might be joining the two of you.
You first ask what they want to do or accomplish together and consider if this is what you want to do.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
7. When learning something new, you feel most comfortable when...
You have someone to show you, guide you, and fellow students to learn with. You consider yourself a social learner and like team work.
You have a clear structure for what is being learned. This includes instructions and a clear learning plan. You like working with others so that you can be sure you are doing the learning in the right way.
You know what the purpose of the learning is and you are free to get to the result quickly and without constraints on how you get there. You plan on getting it 100% correct the first time. You like to work alone.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
8. When being tested on something you are learning, you prefer:
The assessment to be informal, story-based, and done in a way that you can share your thoughts, feelings, and explain yourself. A discussion with your teacher would be the dream assessment process for you.
The assessment to be fact-based, have clear instructions, be understandable, and be simple. The questions are absolutely clear and factual - there is always a correct way to answer. A test that is done the same way all your other tests are done.
The assessment tests you on achievement of certain clear benchmarks: How fast you do something, the best answer, constructing something, etc. You want to demonstrate your personal excellence.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
9. When you wash your kitchen dishes, you prefer:
Someone to help you with drying the dishes or simply sitting and chatting with you while you wash and dry. Having company makes dishes more fun.
To do the dishes your way. You have a method for doing them quickly and well. You like help, but only if you get to lead and the other person puts the dishes away in the correct places.
To do the dishes by yourself. You like to get it done fast.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
10. After a long day at work or school, you come home feeling tired, but good. You are asked by someone at home what you did today. You:
Tell stories about the people you work/study with. You enjoy sharing stories about people's lives and their interactions with each other.
Tell how your day unfolded, step-by-step: Your trip to work/school, what happened when you first got there, what you did all morning, then perhaps your lunch experience followed by sharing interesting things you did in the afternoon.
Tell what you accomplished today.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
11. When you need to do your annual tax return for the government:
You wonder if you can ask a friend to help you do it, or if they can simply do it for you.
You prepare ahead by organizing your tax forms. You secretly enjoy working through all the questions and options in the tax return and seeing how much money you can get refunded. You even enjoy helping others with their tax returns.
You hire a professional so they will maximize your refund or minimize the taxes you will have to pay.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
12. When you go to a meeting, you do this first:
See who else is there and consider the start of the meeting to be great socialization time. You enjoy a chance to connect with new colleagues and old friends alike.
You ask for the agenda, the start time, the finish time, and see who is in charge. You enjoy a well organized meeting that starts and finishes on-time and has clear leadership.
You arrive exactly on time and are the first to leave the meeting. You often wonder if you need to be there at all or if there would be a better way to get things done than by meeting at all.
I am not sure about this question or it doesn't apply to me. Skip it.
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